Expressions of energy citizenship

Energy citizenship can relate to both the rights and responsibilities that people have within the energy system. Traditionally, citizens were assumed to be only passive consumers of the system but there are increasingly more modes of participation including in issues related to energy access and production but also in the political and governance aspects of energy. In each of these modes, ENCLUDE researchers have identified multiple expressions of energy citizenship which can be explored by pressing on the icons on this page.

More details can be found in a report by ENCLUDE researchers. Nevertheless, ENCLUDE is not the only project that has explored the energy citizenship concept. Click on the links below to learn more about the different perspectives explored by EC2, Energy Prospects, and DIALOGUES.

Energy Access

This category concerns those on the margins οf the energy system and it is linked to the framing of energy as a resource and as a source of wealth.

Those who are prevented from connecting to energy grids due to socio-political and/or economic reasons or in terms of geographical location.
Indigenous people and other marginalized groups from whom energy resources have been unjustly taken e.g., tar sands production on Canadian First Nations land and/or extraction schemes which have resulted in their displacement, e.g., Three Gorges Dam in China.
Energy poor
Households unable to afford the energy needed for essential energy services. Income is important, but there is not a direct link. Not all those who suffer from monetary poverty are necessarily energy poor. Also, not all those in energy poverty are income poor. A complex multidimensional issue that encompasses a broad range of factors including energy services provision, the quality of the service being provided, reliability of supply, and affordability.
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The ENCLUDE, DIALOGUES, EC2, and ENERGY PROSPECTS projects have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreements No 101022791, 101022585, 101022565, and 101022492, respectively.

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